I was out for Halloween and I saw a man dressed as high school chemistry teacher turned high-end meth producer Walter White from AMC's Breaking Bad. I
love Breaking Bad! It's as addictive as I imagine meth would be. (If you haven't seen it, well... You really have no excuse. It's on Netflix.)

So of course, I did a hop-jump and gushed, "Walter White!"
He looked at me. "What's my name?"
"Walter White!" I squealed.
He didn't think this was the right answer. "What's my name?" he repeated.
I nodded and smiled as realization set in. "Heisenberg."
With that, he gave me my very own little baggie of blue meth rock candy.
Best costume ever. (Although I personally would rather not look busted up.)

P.S. On a semi-related note, I highly recommend costume malfunctions because it means you get to wear not one, but
two costumes for Halloween! This wasn't a wardrobe malfunction a la Janet Jackson. It was an "I thought I had my costume from last year but I don't because I have the opposite problem of hoarding" malfunction. So the first night I borrowed my roommate's costume and the second night I got my own. Two costumes! Awesome. I'm doing this again next year.