Friday, March 04, 2011

Monday's Midterm Paper (and random tidbits about procrastination)

My policy on papers is that I absolutely, positively cannot start them until three days before they're due. (Last time I pushed it to 12 hours before the paper was due. I got four hours of sleep and an A.)

Sometimes I procrastinate by reading internet articles on how to avoid procrastination. Needless to say, none of those tips have worked.

Procrastination, here I come! ...Later.


  1. You forgot to mention the printer problems that weren't realized until you finished the paper at 3AM... or that I'm the one who took the trip to Walgreens at 4AM (while you were sleeping) to hunt down a black ink cartridge... or that I was on the phone with HP tech support until 5AM...

    GRRR. Procrastination. The lack of sleep caused by all of the above would have been prevented had you completed the task 12 hours earlier, my love.


  2. Such is the nature of my destructive behavior; I hurt my loved ones. I'm not pushing this one so far, though. I promise. :)

  3. Aw TJ you're a keeper ;)
    Panthea tell TJ we do our best work under pressure ;) But really I don't think this would work when you are in big girls' world and have to meet with client(PT).

  4. Yay the paper is handed in and done :D
